Brick walls... every direction I move, brick walls. Everything big and small I want to do, brick walls. I squeeze out through a hole and find myself free to communicate, free to create, free to accomplish, free to do. Then I realize the new space I find myself in is so vast as to dilute. Nothing satisfies, it spreads out to fill the infinite and then seems so insignificant. Crawl back through the hole until I feel like the brick walls are in my way again, until I wish I could call, until I think I could make a difference. That hole is always hard to find from the inside, but so easy to locate from the outside.
I have things to say. I want to know you, Chad... I felt that when I saw you. I miss Jr. and I don’t even know him. I want to respond to everything that has been said. I want to write all that I think of.
I know where the brick is that belongs in the hole. I feel it in my stomach.
when you get a moment
Tue, 08/12/2008 - 9:20pmif you would not mind calling me I would appreciate it. Use the number mentioned in my earlier comment or get the number from your mother. I have a concern that i need to talk to either you or kris about
thanks man
Kris (not verified)
I got a moment
Wed, 08/13/2008 - 8:26amI sent you an email, but I will call you later today. I have been wanting to talk to you anyway. I just did not want to bother you and I did not know your schedule.
Your welcome man :)